There's really nothing like a Wisconsin wedding.  They are SO much fun.  There's always lots of laughing, drinking, eating, dancing, and memories made.  Kristen and Kyle's Wisconsin wedding was no exception.  I don't think I've ever seen more laughs and tears of joy during the course of a wedding day.

Kristen and Kyle are a perfect match for each other.  I've known Kyle for a long time and Kristen compliments his personality so well!  They definitely balance each other out and support each other in everything they do.  It only makes sense to me that they have surrounded themselves by just as supportive and loving family and friends on their wedding day.

Rain was looming but the skies only opened up during the wedding ceremony.  Our trip to the local botanical gardens proved to be a rain-less success which was lucky because the bride and groom were traveling in the brides late Grandfather's Model A car in the open-air back seat.  The wedding party traveled in a 1980's RV that I'm quite envious of and made for some of my favorite photos of the "in-between" moments.

Congratulations Kristen and Kyle! Here are some of my favorite photos from your Janesville wedding.

Thanks for reading!