Hey Everyone! This Saturday, some of my really good friends got married in Las Vegas!  I met Kristin and Ryan about a year ago and Kristin and I have basically been inseparable ever since.  I love her so much and I'm really happy that I was able to capture this special day for her and Ryan:)

I arrived at Kristin's hotel room at about noon on Saturday to get some shots of her dress, shoes, ring, and her getting ready.  Her dress is so beautiful!

Luckily Ryan is super tall so Kristin could wear these:

I'm not going to lie, the first thing I noticed about Kristin when I met her was her amazing ring!  It is STUNNING!

Kristin has a team of girls working on her and her 11 bridesmaids!

And to take the edge off right before she went down to see Ryan for the first time...

Ryan had no idea that Kristin was going to come see him at this moment.  As you can tell by the look on his face in this first "First Look" photo.

Once it finally hit him, he was nothing but smiles:)

That's all for now!  Lots of photos from this beautiful wedding to come in the next few weeks so keep checking back.

Thanks for reading,